I've been collecting buttons for as long as I can remember. There are little boxes, jars, and drawers with colorful treasures ready to pop up and into my hand.
Holding the little button treasure it makes me wonder what the button was used for. Exactly what was this button's purpose? Did it hold a dress together? Or was it an extra and always rambled around in someone's button box waiting for a use.
Currently, I've been making little sundresses that look a lot like the aprons my grandmother wore. My grandmother always liked to have ample pockets in her aprons to stuff a hanky. My pockets hold my cell phone, and maybe my car keys. Wouldn't it be great if the pockets buttoned onto the dress? You could button on whatever size you needed. A long thin pocket for your eyeglass case, short pocket for your cell phone, snap over pocket for small bills and change, or maybe just a credit card! Just think of the buttons you could use up
My Childhood Memories
16 years ago