Finally got to the pottery studio today to finish up some glazing, trim a pot or two and take home my latest creations. This is the famous demon pot. I figure I can write down all the demons that haunt me, put them in the pot and they will be held there by the head demon.
This particular demon's name is Belial.. chief of all devils, he brings about wickedness, worthlessness, lies and guilt. Belial commands 80 Legions of Demons and presides over the Northern Reaches of Hell. But, Belial is not such a bad guy, he has been known to watch over young children while they sleep. In the Satanic Bible Belial symbolizes true independence, self-sufficiency and personal accomplishment. And, this is a bad thing I ask?
It occurs to me that there are many kinds of demons from the demon of hilarity to the demon of waste. This definitely can be a project, the mind turns with possibilities! Take, for example, Cresil, the demon of impurity and laziness. What would she/he look like? A big slothful sleeping demon consuming large quantities of chocolate bonbons?