Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blogging the Genealogy?

My parents both wrote their life stories several years ago. I've been digging through all the old photos, letters, records, genealogy, etc. Boy, what a lot of stuff! Meanwhile, I've been trying to put them in some sort of order. 

My father wrote letters to my mother during the Korean War, and he sent photos upon photos. It's interesting to read the letters, and correlate the photos and souveniers he brought back. 

So, I'm blogging their stories.... here's the link to my mother's blog/story.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Death and Dying

The memorial service for my mother was last Saturday afternoon. It may not have been the Lutheran service that she expected, but it was spiritual and thoughtful. Dr. Herrington read her biography, Nancy read a poem by Mary Oliver, Melissa read "The Wedding Day" (a story my mother had written) and Jean Merroux gave a spiritual, uplifting talk on death and dying.

I've had only a few moments of sadness, maybe because this day has been a long time coming. It was two and a half years ago that Melissa and I brought her out to Sarasota. The expectation was that she would only survive another six months. But, she surprised us all, and had a great life for another two and a half years. She made friends, moved into an apartment, took classes. And, I got to spend more time with her. More time than I ever had spent during my lifetime.

No regrets.